1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
Imperial Egg Wogg. (Large bar glass.)
_ 1 table-spoon sugar. 1fresh egg.
One-thu'd glass of fine ice. 1 wine glass brandy. i " Jamaica rum.
Fill up with rich mUk. Shake thoroughly,in an"egg uogg shaker,and strain. Gratealittle nutmegou toiiif desired. Hot Egg Nogg-use hot milk and omit the ice. Egg Hogg (Plain.) 1 table-spoon sugar. 1 fresh egg. i glass fine ice. 1 wine-glass whisky.- Fill up with milk. Shake thoroughly in an "egg nogg shaker, and strain. Grate a little nutmeg on top and seiwe. Sherry Egg Hogg, Ho. 1. itable-spoon sugar. 1 egg. 1 pony-glass brandy. 1 wine-glass sherry. Pill up with fine ice. Shake well. Strain into afaucy bai glass. Serve with nutmeg ou top. Sherry Egg Hogg, Ho. a. (Large bar glass.) 1 table spoon sugar. 1 egg. 3 wine-glasses slierry. ^ shake thoroughly, nut meg on top. '
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