1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)
Apple Jack Fix. (Large bar glass.) Same as Brandy Fix, using apple jack instead.
Brandy Fix. (A large bai' glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice. i table-spoon sugar dissolved in half wine-glass Seltzer water. ■i pony glass pineapple syrup. 1wine-glass brandy. ^ Stir with a spoon. Dress with fruits. Serve with a a straw.
Grin Fix. (A large bar glass.) 1table-spoon sugar in a little Seltzer, ipony pineapple syrup.
Fill glass with tine ice. 1wine-glass of Holland gin. Stu- well. Dress with fruits and serve with a stiw.
St. Croix Fix. (A large bar glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice. 1table-spoon sugar, wine-glass Seltzer. 2 or three dashes lemon juice, ipony pine apple syrup. 1wine-glass St. Croix rum. Stir well. Dress with fruit. Serve with a straw.
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