1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)

Grerraan at a G-lance. A new system, on tlie most simple principles, for Universal Self-Tuition, with English pronunciation. of every word. By this system any person can hecomo pro ficient in the German language in a very sliort time. It isthe mostcomplete and easy method ever published. By Franz Thimm. (Revised Edition.) Bound in paper cover, - - - price 25o. Bound in boards,with cloth back, - price 35c. French at a-Glance. UnifoiTn and arranged the same as "German at a Glance," being the most thorough and easy system for Self-Tuition. (Revised Edition.) Bound in paper cover, . . • price 25c. Boundinboards,cloth back, - - price 35c. < Spanish at a Glance. A new system for Self-Tuition, annnged the same as French and German, being the easiest method quiring a thorough knowledge of the Spanish language. (Revised Edition.) Bound in paper cover, . - - price 25o. Bound in boards, cloth back, - - P^ice 35c. Italian at a Glance. Uniform in size and style vwth German,French,and Spanish, being the most simple method of learning the Italian language. (Revised Edition.)

Bound in paper cover, . . . price 25c. Bound in boards,cloth back, - - price 35c.

J'or sale by all ljookseliei*H or will bo sent, postpaid,on receipt of price.


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