1884 The complete bartender. Art of Mixing Plain and Fancy Drinks




imitations of Whisl(ies, Brandies, Gin, Rums.



To 1 8 gallons of pure spirits, add i/^ of a pound of Young Hyson tea, 3 pounds of dried peaches, baked l)rown, 2 pounds of loaf sugar, 2 ounces of cloves and 2 ounces of cinnamon. Mix these ingredients well together, and in the course of two weeks it will be ready for use. AK OTHER WAY OF MA KIJ^G MOMOJVGAHELA WHISKEY Take 15 gallons of whiskey and add 3 drachms of sweet spirits of nitre, 6 ounces of burned barley, bruised, 2 pounds of New Orleans sugar, i ounce of allspice, 1^ ounces of cinnamon. Mix well together and let stand alxmt 8 days, stirring it once a (lay during that time. Draw off and bottle. IMITATION OF APPLE WHISKEY To 15 gallons of whiskey, add 2 gallons of pure apple tvhis- key, I pint of simple syrup, the juice of one large pine-apple. Mix well and let stand for about two weeks ; it will then be ready for use. IMITATION OF BOURBOM WHISKEY. To 15 gallons of whiskey, add 3 gallons of Bourbon whiskey, Y\ pint of simple syrup, i ounce of sweet spirits of nitre. Mix them well together, and color with sugar coloring.

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