1884 The complete bartender. Art of Mixing Plain and Fancy Drinks



IMITA TIOK OF ST. CR OIX R UM. Take i6 gallons of pure spirits, and boil 3 pounds of licorice sticks, [ pound of winter bark, }^ pound of aniseseed, until the flavor is drawn out ; strain it while hot, and add it to your pure spirits. Bung it up tight and in three days it will be ready IMITATIOJf OF COGKAC BRAKDY- Take 15 gallons of whiskey, 2 pounds of peach-kernels, }4 pound of winter bark, 2 pounds orange peel. Put the peach kernels, winter bark and the orange peel in 2 gallons of whis- then pour it off and put it into your whiskey, and add as much pure imported C(^gnac brandy as will give it the required flavor. IMITATIOK OF FRENCH BRAJfDY. Take 15 gallons of pure sp"rits, beat 3^ gallon dried peaches baked brown, to a powder, and add them to the spirits, put in liquor through a fine cloth, and when cold put it into the bar- rel containing the spirits, and stir well together ; then add 4 gallons pure French Brandy, let stand for a few days, it will then be ready for use. IMITATION OF COMMON BRAKDY. To 14 gallons of whiskey add i^ gallons of brandy, ^ ounce of spirits of nitre dulc, ^ ounce of tincture of kino. Mix and let stand 24 hours. for use. key, until the flavor is drawn out ; a barrel. Then take 1^ pound of crude tartar and boil it in 2 gallons of water, until it is reduced to i gallon ; strain this

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