1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Gin Sangaree.

Wine glass,

Syrup, Gin,


1 do. 2-3rds. of a Tumbler. i Glass,

Ice, Port Wine,

Mix as for above.

Ale Sangaree,

1 Table spoonful, f Tumbler.

Syrup, Ale,

Ice, Nutmeg, Port Wine,

1 Grate. 1 Dash.

Put in the syrup and mix with the ale— add the ice, and serve with or without the nutmeg and port wine, according to the taste of the customer.

Port Wine Sangaree.

Port Wine, Sugar, or Syrup,

2 Glasses, 1 Teaspoonful.

Ice, Nutmeg, Mix the port wine and sugar.

Fill the tumbler 3 parts full of ice, shake it together, grate nutmeg on the top and


Sherry Sangaree.

Ingredients same as above, using sherry instead of port wine. Mixing the same.


For those who can aiford them, the best cocktails in the English Market, are those compounded by our young friends

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