1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



INVALID DRINKS. Tamarind Drink.

Infuse 2 oz. of tamarinds in a pint of boiling water ; add 2 ozs of loaf sugar, and a spoonful of rosewater. When cold it is ready for use.


Take 1 pint of new milk ; add a tablespoonful of rennet ;

warm it slighty over the fire

pour it

give it a stir round ;

into a bowl. It will then separate into curds and whey. Pour off the whey and give to the patient, hot or cold, sweetened with sugar and flavoured with nutmeg. In cases of throat polypus, mouth ulcers arising from caries, internal tumours, ulcers or cancers, where the virus swallowed causes the rejection of all foods from the stomach, the use of whey and charcoal biscuits has been know to sustain life for a long time and to effect the most wonderful cures. Whey For Infants and Adults. In a decline, the rennet whey is the only proper kind to give, as it is the pepsine from the calfs stomach, which is of such intense value. The curds should never be thrown away. They can be eaten with nutmeg, sugar and wine. "Cordon Bleu " will tell you, under the head of Cheesecakes what to do with them.

White Wine Whey.


put it over the fire in a pan ;

1 PINT of milk ;

as it

When the

to the boil, throw in a wineglassful of sherry.

milk has turned, strain it

through a fine sieve into a tumbler,


sweeten to taste, and add spices if required.

This is

for a cold.

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