1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Potage a la Camerani.

(Camerani Soup.)

Ingredients: Neapolitan Macaroni, the livers of 2 dozen fowls, (if not easily obtained, use the giblets of 2 or 3 fowls, and sheep's liver sliced very thin,) celery, lettuce, carrots, turnips, leeks and parsnips. The latter may be omitted but they are proper for the soup. Butter, bouillon^ parmesan. Mince the meat quite finely, also the vegetables, put the whole into a saucepan with some butter to cook. Blanch the macaroni by placing over a gentle fire, (charcoal stove,) come slowly to the boil, skim, pour off the water, The tureen case is a moveable inner lining, like the cheese toaster; in which this class of potage is cooked. On the macaroni lay a bed of the meat and vegetables, and cover with grated cheese, only a slight covering, a dusting as it were. Cover with brown stock, or bouillon, place the case in a fish kettle, where it will rest on the top, and no steam escape. Cook till the carrot and macaroni are tender, then serve. This is a favourite soup with Italian nobles, and French gourmets, let it rinse with cold, and lay it in a tureen case.

Lenten Soup a la Gladstone.

(Gladstone's Lent Soup.)

eggs, bread crumbs,



Ingredients :



sweet herbs, bayleaf, shallot, guinea fowls' eggs.




Take the skinned smelts, curl them round, fix the tail in the mouth ; dress them with eggs and bread crumbs, fry a fine deep gold colour. By the way, a little of Freman's egg powder, mixed with the crumbs, gives a glorious colour, and is safe, as it is pure and free from astringents. Drain

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