1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



the fish Boil Plover's eggs quite hard, plunge into cold water, peel and quarter. Lay them and the fish in a pattern, in a hot silver tureen. Have some fish stock, i. e. liquor in which fish bones and delicate white fish has been stewed ; a tail of cod makes good stock, and the flesh can be used for rissoles. Clear with gelatine J oz. and the white and shell of an egg, whisk till it boils, of course adding the herbs, parsley, shalot, give it a minute to boil, then turn out the gas, leave it three minutes, and strain through a fine linen napkin. It should be quite clear, and a drop of safi'ron gives a good tone to it. Warm in a jug placed in a pan of boiling water, and then pour into the tureen through a tunstal, so as not to disturb the pattern. several papers, keeping them warm. Ingredients : 1 Doz. native oysters to each quart of soup. White stock Fecule de povinie de ierre (potatoe flour starch,) milk or second cream, parsley, cracknel biscuits. The American oyster soup is a treat. Open the oysters and lay them in the bottom of the tureen, with 2 tablespoon- fuls of minced parsley, and cracknel biscuits quartered. If you have any fish stock from the bones of soles, plaice, whiting, mackerel, &c., that have been used for fillets, stew them with herbs and spices, and use the liquor; if not, draw from the white stockpot 1 quart of soup to the dozen oysters. Put it into the stewpan with about J pint of vegetable stock and let it boil till reduced to the original quart; then take a tablespoonful of potatoe flour, moisten with fresh milk or cream, about 2 tablespoonfuls, add cayenne, and a dust of mace, stir this into the boiling stock, boil for 3 minutes, and then transfer rapidly to the tureen. This cooks the oysters quite enough, and is the reason why the American on Potage des Huitres. (Oyster Soup.)

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