1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



We scald the oysters

oyster soup tastes better than ours.

first. Where tinned oysters are used, pour off the liquor and warm it with the soup— also let the soup be oft the boil a minute before dishing.

Potage a la President Grant.

(President Grant's Soup.)

2 Spring chickens, lean ham, brown stock,

Ingredthi/s :

spices, marigolds, rice, tomatoes, seasonings. This was a very favourite soup at the White House.


up a couple of tender chickens into neat joints ;

take a slice

fry the ham a little, and then add the

of fine lean ham ;

When they are nicely browned, cut the ham into


pieces about the size of the merry-thought. Then transfer them to a stewpan, with 3 quarts of houillofiy (or brown stock,) and vegetable stock mixed ; 2 ozs. of rice washed in one or two waters, and a 2 lb. tin of tomatoes, pulped through a tammy sieve. Keep it carefully skimmed. When serving, strew a few 'fresh or dried marigold flowers over the top. See that the stock you use is well flavoured, if not, add sea- sonings in moderation. Potage a la Tortue Claire. There is a slight difl'erence between Tortue Claire and Potage a la Tortue Claire, I frequently see in Hotel Menus, the one placed for the other. For instance Tortue Claire, for Clear Mock Turtle, and Potage a la Tortue Claire, for Clear Turtle Soap, whereas it means by a la mode, in the fashion of; the word, mode, being an ellipsis in regular French parlance. It is therefore left out, but, as it signifies, ** In the style of when a la, is placed before a word, care should be taken. If we say a la Tortue, therefore we mean in the Style of Turtle; Potage de Tortue Claire; or Tortue Claire simply means Clear Turtle Soup, and not

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