1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



an imitation, or a similar style, but the Soup from Turtle

flesh itself.

Potage a la Tortue Claire,

(Clear Mock Turtle.)

Soak i lb. loose gelatine in 2 quarts of cold water, with a few whole white spices. Prepare the following, viz. ; force meat balls ; with the sweet herbs powdei'ed and sifted, before mixing in. Nothing shows up slovenly cooks, like meeting whole leaves of thyme, &c., in forcemeat. Poach the balls. Cut up cow heel, lean veal and lean portions of pig*s head, into dice, and lay on one side for future use — or use a calf s head or the remains of one. Put the gelatine into a pan with the rind of a lemon, minced very finely, J lb. of very lean gravy, beef chopped fine, sliced vegetables, and the shells and whites of a couple of eggs, begin to whisk with a switch whisk — whip till it boils, then let it boil thoroughly, turn off the gas, or lift cautiously off the fire, so as not to disturb the particles rising to the top and clearing the soup. Let it rest three minutes, strain through a napkin and serve with the forcemeat balls, and the cubes of meat, which should be warmed in clear stock, strained and put into the tureen — Or use clear white stock instead of gelatine.

Tortue Claire.

(Clear Turtle.)

Soak J lb. of sundried turtle for 24 hours, changing the water twice and keeping the flesh covered. Stew in fine flavoured white stock for 6 hours. Then lift out the turtle, cut it into dice. Prepare forcemeat balls and poach them then drain and lay aside till wanted. Clear the soup with gravy, (and the whites and shells of eggs, if necessary,) and

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