1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


2 T 5

Warm the turtle and forcemeat balls in white stock,


The soup should be a fine

drain, and add to the soup.

Some people add sherry and brandy.


sherry colour.

is a matter of choice, and the custom of the house.

Serve a

good, well made Punch after Turtle soup.

Potage a la Tortue.

(Mock Turtle Soup.)

Calf's head ought to be the chief basis of this

Ingredients :

can be made from 2 cow's heels ;


half a pig's

but it


head, and brains of an ox ; carrot, turnip, celery, lemons, mace, salt, pepper, brown-baked flour, butter, Marsala or cowslip wine, brown stock, vegetable stock. Soak both the head and the cowheels in cold water, and scrape and wash very clean, remove the brains from either pig's or calf's head, and lay them aside for blanching. If necessary, blanch the head and feet so that they may be free from dirt and hairs, t. e, put them into a large pan or boiler cover with cold water; let it come to the boil, and skim the while, pour off the water. Scrape off the hairs, and the meat is ready for cooking. Put into a pan with six quarts of brown stock and two of vegetable stock, and let it stand over a slow It should come to the boil and be watched and skimmed. Have ready the vegetables, sliced and nicely fried brown in butter, nof hurnty but browned. Stew the head &c., quite 5 hours, very gently, having added salt when it has come to the boil. Lift out the meat, which should slip from the bone, but not be over-cooked and ragged. Place it on a dish and return the bones to the stock. Skim every particle of fat off. Then put in the fried vegetables, and a bunch of sweet herbs, the rind of a lemon, cut into small dice, seasoning spices, cloves, &c., and only very few of these. Stew rather than boil for 3 hours. Strain through a sieve. Return to the pot, fire.

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