1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant

the new guide for hotels, etc.

Olives Farcies en Thuile et Truffles.

(Stuffed Olives and Truffles.)

Bordeaux anchovies, olives, truffles, oil of the

Ingredients :

purest, pepper, cayenne, salt, lemon. Take out the olives, wash and dry them.


Of course I

Take six of them, with

alluding to the plain pickled olive.

— and fill

a vegetable cutter remove the centre lowing forcemeat, pounded in a mortar — 3 anchovies, the grated rind of a lemon, a little of the fish oil, cayenne and black pepper. Pack it firmly into the olives, and then with a sharp knife slice. Lay these in alternate layers on an elegant plate, or glass dish, with sliced truffles and pickled eggs—pour over a little oil, season the truffles with salt, and only a little, and you will have one of the C/ie/s d' CEuvres of with the fol-


Mais Vert.

No. i.

(Green Maize.)

This is one of the dishes I should above all like to see more popular in this country. The black Mexican sugar maize and the red Narragansett sugar maize are easily grown, and the gj^een ears are cooked in boiling water and salt, as we would prepare any other green vegetable. Cut the cobs in half or in four. Prepare a fine thick gravy, rich and brown ; season with pepper, salt, and a dust of cayenne ; lay each quarter or half cob on toast. Pour the gravy over, and serve


Mais Vert,

No. 2.

Plain boil the cobs as above ;

quarter or halve according

cover with fine white sauce, and serve.

lay on toast ;

to size


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