1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



No. 3

Mais Vert.

Boil in salt and water ; dip in butter that has been melted, (oiled) place on a hot dish, and serve. divide each cob into halves ;

No. 4.

Mais Vert a L*Inde.

Boil as for green peas ; lay on a hot silver dish, and dust over with dry curry powder; or cover with curry sauce. dip in butter ;

L'Ecrevisse au vin de Champagne a la Beacons- field.

(Crawfish in Champagne a la Beaconsfield.)

Take a boiled crawfish, remove the head, split it


Remove the meat, and cut into neat small



cubes. Bruise the yolk of a hardboiled egg in a mortar, with half an ounce of fresh butter, cayenne pepper, salt, and a dust of mace. Prepare round crutons of bread, (fried bread) cover with Pate' V Indienne, z. e. a mixture of chutney paste and curry. Put the crawfish, egg, &c., into a saucepan with the wine Saute, and when warm, but not boiling, prepare to serve. Place a little heap of fish and sauce on each ring of Serve hot as a whet; or for a supper dish, serve in the shells, without the curry paste, and with fried crutons and lemon rings, and minced parsley as garnish. Lay it in good champagne, sec. toast.

Les Huitres de Bengal.

(Bengal Oysters.)

Fresh eggs, pepper, salt, brown bread and

Ingredients :

butter, lemon.

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