1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


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Take seven real scallop shells, very clean and well polish- ed. The under shell in each case, and if not procurable, use oyster or porcelain shells, open a fresh egg carefully, small eggs are best for this. Slip gently into the deep shell, and serve with pepper, salt, lemon rings, and thin brown bread and butter, for the men who do not quite understand whets. A favourite dish with Anglo-Indians.

Andonilles a la Ude.

(Chitterlings a la Ude.)







butter, olives. Take the boiled chitterlings, fry them and cut them in neat pieces, dust with cayenne and salt. Lay them on squares of trimmed buttered toast. Make a thick white scalded cream sauce, flavour with cayenne, pour over the chitterlings, garnish with olives, and serve as a whet.

Saucisses Chaud

(Devilled Sausage.)

Sausage of pork or beef, properly the former,

Ingredieitts :


if for Jews the latter.

Fried Crutons, Pate' 1'

(Edmund's Pentonville curry paste,) cayenne, lemon. First boil the sausages for quite an hour, slowly, carefully. Steam them if you have apparatus. Let them get quite cold, skin and slice in thin long strips, cut each slice in two. Have fried crutons or buttered toast, neatly cut into strips the length of half the sausage. Cover it well with curry paste, lay the sausage on this, cover with a thin coat- ing of mango chutney. Serve with lemon and fried parsley as garnish, either hot or cold. If hot, when dressed, all but the lemon put on the hot plate, or in an oven, with a bowl inverted, or cover till hot. Place the lemon on and serve.

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