1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant

2 28 THE NEW GUIDE FOR HOTELS, ETC. spoonfuls of orange juice, 6 ozs. of butter, eggs, cold roast sturgeon, white wine, (niarsala) canned mushroom, pepper, salt, scalded cream, rice. Take 2 ozs. of butter, oil it in a warm pan, in a Bain Marie is best, then dredge in enough high dried roller flour, to make it into a very stiff paste, reduce the paste with orange juice, and the yolk of an egg. Stir with the spatula until the paste leaves the pan and spatula clear. Then spread it on a plate thinly, and let it cool. Roughly mince the fish — sprinkle a few drops of white wine on it, also pepper and salt, and one or two mushrooms chopped — Mix with the yolk of an egg. Take darole cases, work the paste with the fingers, and fit each darole case with a lining of

fill half way with the mixture, and the rest with


Cover with paste, brush over with egg, By the way, in baking, place the cases on a

scalded cream.

bake and serve.

and the pan.

bed of rice, (or charcoal) between it

1 he rice

Golden pilau," and is a useful

be useful after for


kitchen store. am in- debted to Herr Stavenhagen, and is often used at the Im- perial and Prince Bismarck's tables* This is a German recipe for which I

Croustades a la RoyaU

(Royal Croustades.)

Rasped French rolls, or stale

bread, cold


or salmon, cornflour, milk, butter, pepper and salt,


lemon, fennel or parsley. Cut a French roll into slices 1

J inches thick, or cut a slice

from a large white loaf the same depth. Take a paste cutter a size smaller than the roll, mark the top with a pointed knife, scoop out the contents so that a case is formed. If bread loaf is used, two cutters must be employed. Eight make a nice dish, using four for the base. When all the

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