1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



cases are ready they should be fried in boiling fat till they are a nice golden brown ; drain with the hollowside next to the paper. Remove cold trout or salmon from the bones, divest of the outer skin, cut into dice, season with pepper and salt, and a few drops of lemon. Three quarters fill the little cases, strew chopped fennel, (if liked) over the top, or parsley may be substituted. Make a cornflour sauce, fol- lowing the directions on the packet in preparation, only using one half the quantity of the flour to the milk men- tioned, beat in J oz. of butter to the pint of sauce, and salt after it is made, as the salt might turn the milk. Cover the top with this, being careful that none of it runs down the Strew a ring of finely minced fennel or parsley be- tween the brown edge, and the white sauce as a garnish, and a very efl*ective and popular little Hor's d' CEuvres breakfast dish will be the result. For supper or wine parties, put plenty of cayenne amongst the fish—use stock in the sauce as well as milk or cream. It can then be eaten hot or cold, or sent as a Hors d' CEuvres as Truite en Casse, (Trout in Case. sides.

Lamproies a la Naples.

(Lampreys Neapolitan Style.)

Ingredients: Lampreys brown bread crutons, red wine, oyster shells, a forcemeat of sorrel and fine herbs, butter, &c. Skin and make a puree of them, and mix with a forcemeat of fresh sorrel, fine herbs and butter, shape in the little shape like small plover egg cups. Lay a blanched oyster on each cruton, and the lamprey puree on the top. Stew the lampreys after cleaning in red wine.

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