1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



therefore as the Jews use oil, and that at about 350° to 400°, it is no wonder the fish are crisp and sweet outside and juicy

Pork fat ranks next, from the large quantity of oil it


; beef-dripping next, and mutton fat last,


Turbot a la Coleridge.

(Turbot, Coleridge Fashion.)

Ingredients : Turbot, clams, canned or fresh, scallops, white wine vinegar, oil, flour, egg, cayenne, cornflour, cream, milk, butter, chablis, pickled walnuts, parsley, salt. Take a sufficiently large fish kettle, or turbot pot, with strainer complete. It is a mistake to crush the fish into too small a vessel. Do not cut, hack, or slash the fish in any way. It will cook without cracking if properly handled, al- though we are aware very few cooks like the trouble or know the method. The practice of cutting, lets the best juices and flavour of the fish escape. Put in water enough to quite cover the fish, and a couple of tablespoonfuls of white wine vinegar, or lemon juice ; this renders the skin elastic, also a cooking, prepare an oil (or oiled butter), flour, and tepid water batter with the yolk of an egg. Put the flour into a basin, about 2 tablespoonfuls will be enough ; drop in the yolk of an egg ; then a tablespoonful of salad oil, (or butter oiled but not frothed) ; begin to mix the batter, adding tepid water till it is quite thick ; whip the white of the egg to a fine white foam, stir into the batter, which should drape from the spoon. Take a dozen scallops, or J dozen clams, trim, and wipe them dry ; dip in the batter, and fry in boiling fat, also fry a good handful of picked, washed, and dried parsley. Mince the rest of the clams, or scallops ; make a fine melted little salt. When the water fairly boils, place the fish in, let it come up to boiling heat again ; skim, and then let the fish only simmer, as you would cook salt beef. Whilst this is

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