1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



butter of milk, cornflour, and cream, with a lump of butter beaten in ; stir the minced fish, and keep both the fry and it on to the dish, white side upwards; arrange the brown, fried clams, or scollops, on and round it, with fried parsley on the fried por- tion, and sprays of fennel or fresh parsley round the fish as decorations. Half walnuts taken from the pickle, also make the garnish more varied, and the pickle is liked by many per- sons with the fish. Serve the cream, butter sauce, and clams in a separate boat, and your dish will be perfection. To make the sauce first-rate, add a glass of chablis. hot. When the turbot is done, drain and slide it

Merlans Grilles a la Prince Imperial.

(Whiting Grilled in the Prince Imperial Fashion.)

Whiting, white pepper, salt, olive oil, cream

Ligredients :

or velvet sauce, capers, lemon, tomatoes, gherkins.

When the young Prince was alive this was a very popular dish at Imperialists' houses, and now in many of the leading families and hotels in France the dish retains its name and After trimming, fasten into a roll and secure with a prestige.

Steep in olive oil till just ready to serve, and

silver skewer.

when grilling the greatest care is necessary in turning

grill ;

Have ready a rich white cream

them, and also in dishing.

or velvet sauce, with chopped capers stirred in. Have slices of lemon semi-quartered, and half rings of a small tomato, that is red, but not over ripe. Cut to match the lemon. Lift the fish ; dust wdth salt and pepper mixed in a small castor, on both sides; lay neatly on centre of a dish; cover with the sauce; place the tomatoes and lemon alternately round, >vith a bright but small gherkin between. Serve hot,

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