1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



lift off the bones, lay on a dish with some fish stock made from the bones and rough pieces. Have ready sufficient Bechamel sauce to cover it. Lay the pieces on the dish in which it is to be served, and see that it is quite hot. Pour the sauce over, then strew bread crumbs* that have been seasoned to taste, with red or white pepper. On the top dust Parmesan cheese. Brown with the salamander, or in front of the fire. Serve very hot, garnished with water-cress.

Turbot a la Prince.

(The Prince's Turbot.)

lobster, and coral, oysters, fennel,


Ingredients t

white sauce. Boil the turbot as in the first receipt (page 23L) Have ready a cardboard cross of Maltese pattern, of course a hollow frame of the board. Fry the oysters as directed for the clams in batter and drain. Place the cross on the hot fish, strew the coral carefully on the enclosure. Have the lobster flesh cut into neat dice, and rechauffed in fish stock. Pile them in neat little heaps round the turbot, cover each heap with the Bechamel sauce, place a fried oyster between the heaps, and fennel sprays on the white mounds, and between the fish.

Esturgeon a la Roi.

(Sturgeon in the King's Mode.)

Sturgeon, vinegar, oil, white wine, (Sauterne)



lobster, eggs, truffles, butter,





sifted brown raspings, cranberries.

For sauce, see Sauce a

la Roi. Take handsome cutlets of sturgeon, and cutting bacon into strips, lard the upper side of the thick cutlet with a fine needle in a delicate pattern. This is a Panish dish, \

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