1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



The pattern was a crown.

Next lay it

saw in Sept. 1883.

oil, vinegar and white wine,

in a marinade of equal parts ;

(not a sweet wine, remember.) Steam the cutlet or cutlets, and prepare a lobster forcemeat of truffles, butter, the yolk of an egg and seasonings. Beat it, and keep it warm by placing on the hot plate. When the fish will readily leave the centre bone it is done, lift it out, remove the bone and fill up the space with the forcemeat, put it into the oven or over the steamer, till the salamander is heated. Prepare for each cutlet a frill of fringed white paper, as for cakes. Brown the piquees ; gum, or fasten the frill round with white of egg. Strew cranberries in between the piquees. Lift carefully on to the dish, and serve with sprays of fennel, parsley, or some such garnish round. Ingredients: marjoram,) lemon rind, lamb or mutton kidney suet, fine sifted bread crumbs, pepper, salt, bind with an egg — curry powder, bacon — mango chutney. Perch, veal stuffing, (thyme, clean them through the gills— wipe them out and Then cut bacon into fine strips, suitable for a fine needle, and lard the back of the fish, but not too thickly. Next make a veal stuffing, adding to the usual ingredients, a tablespoonful of curry powder. It can now be either grilled or baked. In the first place if grilled, wrap in a proper grill paper. If to be baked, put in one of the fashionable little paper boats for baking fish. A clever cook can make them at home. See that the piquees are nicely browned in the trim. This is one of the latest fish dressings — Take fair sized perch, Perch a la Graham. (Perch, Graham Style.)

Serve with mango chutney, and Sauce dea



Soldats. (See page 411 )

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