1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Maqureau a la Temple.

(Mackarel in the Temple Style.)

Ingredients: chestnuts, canned button mush- rooms, yolk of hard boiled egg, 2 quarts of sorrel, butter, pepper, salt, fennel, and parsley, white stock. Take a fine well grown, but not too gross fish, split it down the back, after removing the head. Bone the fish, remove the soft roe or melt, and wipe it quite clean. Have ready a stuffing made of chestnuts, (or if out of season, vienna bread crumbs and potatoe in equal parts) roasted, peeled from the outer and inner skin, and bruised in a mortar, or passed through a wire sieve. Next mix it with a piece of butter as large as a walnut, two or three button mushrooms, and the yolk of a hard boiled egg, season with pepper and salt, add a dessert spoonful each of minced fennel and parsley, the latter scalded and wrung dry. Lay this stuffing in the belly of the fish, and close it together. It is much nicer than the rude method of stitching up the fish with needle and thread. I imagine the delight of the carver, when impeded by a white cotton thread ! The pleasure of the guest who is bound by etiquette to swallow a piece of pack thread ! ! But such is untutored ** High Art below Stairs.'* Now lay the fish on a baking tray ; pour a little white stock round, cover with a buttered paper, and bake till well cooked. In the meantime cook the sorrel, drain and chop fine, (the liquor can go into the stock pot, it makes it sharp and fresh.) Mince the sorrel, season with pepper and salt. Saute in butter, and make a bed of it on a Lay the cooked fish on this, and cover with rich Mackarel, dish.

Serve with Temple Sauce (see page 411.) in

brown sauce.

made from the milt, &c., which

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