1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



d* CEuvres runs short, this can be used, and is called maqureau a r Italienne, and served between slices of rye bread and butter, highly spiced with cayenne.

Skate a la Czarina*

(The Czarina Skate Dressing.)

Skate, (crimped) canned macedoine of vege-


— Fish stock, or

tables, mushrooms pickled, tartare sauce

veal stock, vinegar, salt. This is a Russian dish, and much liked in court circles. Cut the skate into 2^ inch widths, skin it on both sides. Then roll them up and bind round with tapes as tightly as possible. Stew either in fish or white stock, with a little salt. When cooked let it stay some three or four minutss in the stock. Open a tin of macedoine, and place just inside the oven to warm, with the top of the can off. Next when warm, put them into a sieve and pour over them salted boiling water, Now place the skate on the silver dish to serve. Arrange the macedoine round each ring of skate, and 2 or 3 button mushrooms in the centre of the ring, pour a tartare sauce with capers over and serve hot or cold* drain.

Souchy de T Eau.

(Water Souchy.)

Ingredients: Fish stock from fillet bones, &c., any small

firh — more properly flounders, small soles, &c.


pepper, salt, brown bread and butter. This dish comes properly under the head of fish cookery; although many introduce it into the soup manufactures. Choose small fish but adhere to one kind, fresh water or If soles, plaice, or flounders, skin them as you would salt.

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the other fish used for this purpose.

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