1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



put in the boned calf's head. Stew it gently for six hours, keeping it covered with stock, which must be warm when added. Prepare a ham and veal forcemeat, and form it into 32 balls as large as boys* glass alleys ; dip them in egg, and poach them. Of course the Chef will know that the force- meat will have to be mixed with a beaten egg. When they are done, drain them, and keep them hot. Have boiled ; red carrots, green peas, and potato pulped through a wire sieve, each separate and distinct ; mix them with butter, pepper, and salt; cover J of the balls with a coating of green pea puree, J with carrot, J with potato. Put them on the hot plate with a basin over to get thoroughly warm ; egg and bread crumb the remaining 8 and fry in boiling fat, till of a rich brown. To serve the head, take it out of the pan, and dip for a second in cold water. Take off the cloth. Lay it on the dish it is to be served on, leaving the skewer in. Pour a rich sauce jaune over. Pile the balls thus, 4 brown with a white ball on the top ; 4 green with a yellow on the top ; 4 white with a brown, and so on round the head. Heat some button mushrooms (canned or bottled) ; strew them in be- tween. Pour thick brown gravy amongst them, and serve

This was a most elegant recherche dish at a large Con-


servative banquet in the spring, 1885.

Aloyau a la Marlboro' House.

(Sirloin, Marlboro* House Style.)

Ingredients : A small boned sirloin of beef, cloves, peppers, allspice, bouquet de fines, herbs, shalot, white wine (Marsala) brown stock, gelatine, or brown glaze, fbj sweetbreads, bottoms of artichokes, or asparagus, peas, champignons. Take off the outer skin and some fat, if there is too great a depth from the sirloin. Cut away the meat under the bones

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