1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



and s iw off the heavy bone from the bottom of the ribs. In the fat, stick cloves, allspice, and long peppers in patterns, not too thickly however. Put them in firmly ; there should only be a thin coating of fat on the top of the joint. Braise in the usual way with a bunch of sweet herbs and a bayleaf, a quart of good stock, and a gill (i pint,) of Marsala. When quite done (which depends on weight), put brown glaze or soaked gelatine to the stock in the braising pan, after remov- ing the oil and grease. Reduce, and when thick and like golden syrup, pour over the braise so as to glaze the whole. Have ready (h.) a bed of minced sweetbreads, stewed with artichoke bottoms, or asparagus, peas, and champignons ; lay the sirloin on this and serve. N.B. The remains of cold sirloin can be trimmed and re- chauffed in this manner as a releve. Ingredients: Leg of mutton boned, ground spices, oat- meal, suet, fine herbs, onion, bay leaf, carrots, turnip, leek, champignons, good stock and glaze, puree of haricot beans, broad, or Windsor beans blanched, butter, pepper, salt. Take a small leg of Welsh mutton, bone, leaving however, the knuckle attached. Prepare the following stuffing, 1 tablespoonful of fine herbs in powder, finely minced suet, about 2 ozs. and 2 ozs. of medium ground Aberdeen oatmeal, season with black pepper, salt, and a suspicion (no more) of mace ; mix these together in a dry state, moisten with white stock, just covering the oatmeal, (about J of a pint.) Then add a raw egg, (or it is very fair without,) mix up and stuff the leg. Skewer round the shank, make a bed in the braisiere, of sliced carrots, turnips, leeks, champignons, and a small piece of butter. Add some stock. parsley, Gigot de Mouton a la Johnston Robertson. (Leg of Mutton in the Johnston Robertson Style.)

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