1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Lard the lean of the meat, with large piquees of smoked bacon fat, on top and bottom of joint. Then mince very finely about a i pint measure each, when minced of the following herbs, &c., parsley, lemon thyme, sage, Spanish onion, and 1 tablespoonful each of basil, chervil, marjorrm, thyme, mushrooms, black pepper and salt ; also a grate of nutmeg, and a dust of celery salt. Mix all well together with a raw egg or two. Then stuff, first, where the bone has been removed ; second, well down between the scores. Tie it up in a cloth and plunge into boiling water for quarter of an hour. Then remove and braise in the ordinary way. This sets the egg stuffing, and keeps it in place. Or it makes a very good, but rougher dish, if baked in the oven, but has neither the piquant delicacy of a braise, or its elegant appearance. Serve with red gooseberry sauce, made as apple sauce, using gooseberries in place of the other fruit. Red wine should be used with this braise, and laurel leaves in place of bay, with the sweet herbs.

Culotte de Bceuf Braise a la Royale.

(Braised Rump of Beef.)

Take a fine round of beef ;

piquez it very finely top and

; the former in a distinct and tasteful pattern, using a


See that the joint is well trimmed, stands nice-

fine needle.

ly, and is of good shape.

Cut thin slices of veal, lean ham,

and fat bacon ;

line the bottom of the braising pan with

vegetables and the sides with the meat.

Lay in the joint

; put one or two onions stuck with cloves, with the


vegetables, which should all be neatly sliced.

Cover for

Put it all on the fire and let

about 2 inches with rich stock.

; skim off grey froth that may rise ;

then salt and sea-

it boil

son the liquor, and let it

stew for 5 or 6 hours, with charcoal

Then lift out the culoite.

on the top as well as under.

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