1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Take ofif

Reduce and strengthen the gravy, after straining.

Then put back the culotte to rechauffe and

all oil or grease.

It should be a tempting brown colour, like a chest-



on to a hot dish when warmed through.


Lift it

the salamander if the piquees are not brown enough. Pour the glaze over the meat so that it is entirely covered in the shining-brown gravy, and serve quickly.

de Rosbif.


(Sirloin of Roast Beef.)

Have a clear bright fire ; when fresh coal and coke are re- quired, feed from the hack, so as to keep the bright, burning, red fire well to the front of the grate. Make the hastener and gravy pan perfectly hot, have a quantity of hot dripping in the well of the pan, then **spit** or "jack" the meat. Cover with the hot dripping and let it be close to the fire for the first 10 to 15 minutes. Keep it constantly basted, so that whilst closing the pores of the flesh the fire may not scorch or burn the meat and yet so cook it that the juices are kept within the joint and not lost in the gravy pan. Draw back the joint 10 to 15 inches, according to the strength and power of the fire, and allow one quarter of an hour from this time till dishing. Keep the sirloin regularly and well basted, for on the strict attention to this simple and seemingly tri- vial task depends the success of the joint, its outer crispness and inside tender, juicy, qualities. In no part must the joint be burnt, the fat a golden maise, or Indian corn brown colour, the lean and bone a fine chestnut. The gravy must be made of dear brown stock, Liebig's beef-tea if no other is at hand. Pour the gravy I'ound, never over the joint. If colour is wanted for the gravy, use caramel (see p. 12 and 52). To Serve'. Decorate with scraped horseradish, and horse- radish sauce No. 3. (page 414) whether hot or cold. If cold, steep half the horseradish in red cabbage or beetroot vinegar till it is a fine pink, drain and alternate the heaps of white and red, placing watercress or parsley between.

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