1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant





AS the new entrees arranged and invented during the last three years, are more numerous than the subjects of the preceding chapters, I shall make no hesitation about entering on them at once ;

Entree de Poulet a la Beaconsfield.

(Beaconsfield Entree of Chicken.)

Ingredients: Cold chicken, ham, truffles, or mushrooms, cream, butter, cerealine, (cooked hominey) flour, Spinach- juice, milk, primroses. Mince equal parts of chicken and lean ham, sufficient for the dish you intend to prepare. Do not mash the meat, but cut it into small pieces, as large as an orange pip each. Add a few small mushrooms, or truffles, minced, also pepper and salt to taste, and a breakfast cupful of scalded cream to each 1 lb. of the mince. Take a piece of butter as large as a walnut, and work into i a tablespoonful of flour. Put the whole of this into an enamelled saucepan, simmer for 3 or 4 minutes, stirring the whole time, then draw to one side and keep hot whilst you prepare the cerealine. Take a breakfast cup of feathery white cooked hominey. Have a pint of milk boiling in a saucepan, and as it boils let the cerealine pour in a thin stream into the milk, stirring the whole time. Season with salt before it thickens, then allow it to boil for one minute to take off the raw taste, looks very like rice when cooked. Have ready \ a teacupful of Spinach-juice, stir it into the cooked cerealine just as you are taking it off the fire. this is all the preparation it requires in cooking. It

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