1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


and skewer it. Stew in the stock in which the bones were cooked, adding rings of carrot, a very little piece of turnip, 2 inches square, and a leek cut in four, lengthwise, and care- fully washed, also 2 or 3 dried champignons. When fit for serving, lift out of the pan on to a warm dish, cover to keep ^varm. Strain the gravy from the vegetables. Have ready soaked in the vin rouge, \ oz. of gelatine. Mix this with the gravy. Stir until the gelatine is dissolved. Let it reduce to a demi-glaze. In the meantime cut carrot and turnip separately boiled, into rings with a fluted cutter. Pour the glaze over the joint, garnish with carrot and turnip, after being sauted in butter and chopped parsley strewn over. Serve hot as entree or Ingredimts : One or more birds, stock, vegetables, and spices for braising, cabbage or Brussel sprouts, butter, pep- per, salt, glaze. Dress the birds, cut into quarters and braise in the usual way ; melt some glaze and add to the gravy, and if too much liquid, reduce. Boil cabbage or Brussels sprouts very carefully, first wash in several \vaters, then cook by plunging in boiling water containing salt, a small lump of white sugar and a little car- bonate of soda to keep the colour bright. Cook with the lid off the saucepan. When the cabbage sinks it is done ; take up, drain. Then saute with fresh butter, pepper, and salt Place either under or round the birds. Pour the glaze over the birds, so as to cover them ; and serve at once hot. This dressing is common enough in La belle France, and recommends itself, and is to my taste infinitely superior to releve. Perdrix au Choux. (Partridge on Cabbage.)

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