1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


dry roasted patridge, served in true English fashion, with that excellent bread poultice, yclept bread sauce."

Perdrix a la Victor Hugo.

(Partridge in Victor Hugo Fashion.)

Ingredients : Patridge, egg, bread crumbs, fecule de pomme de terre, truffles, tarragon vinegar, rich brown demi-glaze, olives, turnips, spices, pepper, and salt. Cut the bird into neat fillets ; saute in fresh butter, and when a golden brown, take them out. Season fecule, with pepper and salt. Dip the pieces in so that they are covered. Brush over with egg ; toss in bread crumbs ; mix with minced Put 1 pint of stock and a piece of glaze over the fire, add a tiny drop of tarragon vinegar just to flavour. Lay the bird on the centre of the dish. Pour the demi-glaze over. Have ready white garden turnip, boiled, passed through a wire ; seasoned with pepper and salt, moistened with a table- spoonful of cream, or a piece of butter, and moulded in scallop The shells should be buttered cold, the turnip filled truffles. Put the pieces on a tray in the oven to brown. sieve sliells. Compote of Pigeon, Moorfowl, or Partridge, a L' Imperatrice Victoria. Ingredients: Birds, plovers' or pullets' eggs, stock, leek, carrot, turnip, watercress, or parsley, demi-glaze, salt, soda, spices, paper cutlet frills. The dish consists of 3, 5, or 7 birds. After dressing as for roasting, cut the birds into quarters. Remove the nails and blanch the feet by thrusting them into hot water, when the outer skin and nails can be easily removed. Stew the quar- ters in good stock with the following vegetables ; sliced Q in ko/, and then turned out round the bird. Round thp rim put a faint tinge of finely minced parsley*

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