1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



1 small leek, cut length-

carrot, 2 ozs. ;

turnip sliced, 1 oz. ;

wise. Also spices, cloves, coriander, whole pepper, mace, lemon peel. Give them plenty of time over a slow fire, and stew (not boil), till tender. For each bird allow 1 plover or hen's egg. Boil them for a quarter of an hour, and be sure that they are well covered with water. When done take them out, put them into a basin of cold water. Next cut delicate strips of red carrot, turnip, and the dark and light green portions of the blades of the leek, as if for Julienne soup. Boil the strips of carrot and turnip, in separ- ate waters, with plenty of salt. Also put the leek leaves into a strainer; have ready boiling water with a little salt and soda in it. Pour this over the leeks ; then lay all these dressings carefully in little heaps on a clean plate for garnish when dishing the birds. Wash sprays of parsley, or very small delicate closely leaved water-cress, 2 for each bird. Also prepare a cutlet frill and have some gum at hand. When the birds are done, separate all the wings and shoulders from the claw quarters. Strain the gravy ; add about a pint of brown stock, and J oz. of soaked gelatine or glaze ; dissolve the gelatine and let the stock reduce ; fasten a cutlet frill round each little claw, and secure with gum. Put a piece of parsley in each. Make a ring of wing pieces, then on that pile another series of wings, and make a grand trophy of the claws. Brush each piece over with glaze, then arrange the plovers' eggs ; shell them ; cut into halves and place with the yolk outwards, between the pieces of bird ; arrange little specks of green parsley here, and there on the white egg tops. Lay the little pieces of red, white, and green vegetables in much the same manner as cheese straws are

First three, then three across, alternating the heaps


white, and green.

Put on the hot plate

of yellow,


This entree may be

thoroughly warm, and when hot, serve.

served hot or cold.

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