1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Fricandeau de Veau a la Trois Freres.

Ingredients : Thick cutlet from leg of veal, grated ham, fat bacon, egg, bouquet of herbs, white stock, celery or seakale, champignons, herbs, bread crumbs, lemon, white veloute sauce. Lard the upper side of the fillet cutlet with a moderately fine needle, and using smoked bacon. Remove the bone and re- place with a forcemeat of grated ham, herbs, champignon, salt, cayenne, and a raw egg. The cutlet should be 2 inches to 2J inches thick. Have white stock boiling in a stewpan. Place the veal in this with the piquees uppermost; add a bouquet of sweet herbs. Stew slowly for 1^ hours. Then take it from the pan. Brown the piquees with the salaman- der, or in front of the fire. Have a bed of stewed celery or seakale. Lay the veal on, or in the centre. Pour the meat juice over the veal, and cover the vegetables with white veloute sauce. Ingredients : Delicately shaped mutton cutlets, fresh butter, salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots, turnips, peas, (or use a lOd. tin of French mace- doine), and fresh cauliflower, with a few button mushrooms, Spanish onion, white sauce, good stock. Lightly fry the cutlets in butter; then put into a stew jar J pint of good stock and a sliced and blanched Spanish onion. Slice the onion into a basin, pour boiling water over, cover the basin with a saucer, and let it rest 15 minutes, empty the water away. Lay the onions in the pot and the cutlets over and stew for half an hour. Take up the cutlets, fasten on frills ; put the macedoine of vegetables in the cen- tre, arrange the cutlets round ; pour the white sauce over the cutlets, leave the vegetables clear ; warm and serve Cotelettes de Mouton a la Due D' Albany.

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