1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Entree de Due de Teck,

(Duke of Teck's Entree.)

ingredients: Two chickens, cock's combs, truffles, garden cress, whipped butter, egg, bread crumbs, ox tongue, cham- pignons, cochineal, aspic glaze (glaze jaune), salad oil, white wine vinegar. cut into quarters ; skin and glaze, i,e,, glaze with transparent, yellow, aspic jelly or glaze. Fill a paper cornet with whipped butter, and when the glaze has set, pipe the quarters of chicken with the To make the butter nice, when creaming beat in a few drops of lemon essence, and a little saffron deepens the colour. The Duke's heraldic devices, mottoes, &c., with monograms should be traced. Make a pyramid of delicate garden cress. Arrange the piped pieces round. Between each of the pieces, place artistically coloured cock's combs (use cochineal if the colour The whites minced very fine, and the yolks passed through a tammy sieve, mix with a minced truffle and a little seasoning — bind with butter. Spread over the tongue slices, roll up and use in the decoration and construction of the dish, a set of the rolls round the base of the pyramid, and small rolls alternating with the cock's combs. Use whole truffles and champignons, also in the garnish. Pour a mayonnaise sauce round the base. For the centre ornaments place on the top of the salad pyramid a tiny union jack, and the Teck colours, grouped with the German flag. Serve cold. Roast a couple of nice tender chickens ; butter. is dull.) Take slices of tongue, cut very thin. Make a stuffing of hard boiled eggs.

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