1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Entree de L' Artist a la Boehm.

(The Boehm Artist's Entree.)

parts minced white meats, such as



veal, chestnuts roasted, and passed through a wire sieve, egg, sweet herbs, seasonings, sauce au supreme, parsley, tomatoes. Roast the chestnuts, they are much whiter, lighter and rabbit, chicken, turkey, ham or tongue ; ignorant, untrained cooks who boil them for purees. Pass them through a wire sieve after divesting them of the outer husk and the brown inner skin. Pass an equal quantity of white meat through a mincer. Mix it with the chestnuts, and moisten with a raw egg. Season and mix with herbs, rubbed and sifted, and season- ings of spice, pepper, &c., to taste. Form into balls as large as a chestnut. Brush with egg, dip in flour and fry a golden brown. Drain on paper. Whip the whites of enough eggs to cover each ball as with snow, season the whip with salt. Cover the balls with the white snow. Shape and trim the snow with a palette knife. Put the dish just inside the oven for a moment or two to set the foam. But do not let it brown. Pile them up in pyramid fashion. Pour round them white savoury sauce, or sauce an supj-eme. Garnish with parsley and rings of tomato, that have been stewed in white stock. Lift them out carefully so as to pre- serve the contour. delicate, than when boiled. It is only coarse, slovenly,

Chevreuil a T Abergeldie.

(Venison Abergeldie Mode.)

Venison, port wine, currant jelly, unflavoured


stock, cayenne, salt, French beans, sweet green corn.

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