1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Mince enough venison for the entree, not in the machine, that would be too fine, but by hand in tiny cubes, the dice to be as large as a good sized green pea in bulk. Warm some unflavoured stock jelly, seasoned from salt only. The stock from mutton bones is excellent for the purpose. One tablespoonful of stock to every three of mince will be required. Place the stock in a stewpan over a gentle fire, stir in two tablespoonfuls (2 ozs.) of red currant When the jelly is quite dissolved, and the stock on become thoroughly hot, add a dust of cayenne, and a wineglassful of port wine. It must not boil after the wine is added, or the bouquet flavour will be lost. Serve on a silver entree dish with Sweet Green Corn. Take a tin of sweet mountain green corn. Empty it into a sieve. Pour boiling water from the kettle over and thoroughly rinse — boil for a minute or so, in milk and water — drain off the milk. Mix a table- spoonful of cream with pepper, salt, and saute the green corn Lay the green corn round the mince, garnish with finely cut French beans, (cooked of course,) laid in bands across the yellow corn. Serve hot. jelly. the point of boiling, stir in the meat. Let it in this.

The Mount Temple Entree,

(Respectfully Dedicated to Lady Mount Temple.;


eggs, cream,





potatoes, cayenne, garden cress, macedoine of vegetables, beet root, plover's eggs, herbs. The first work will be to bake the beetroot for the salad. This keeps the juices in the beet, and turns out a better coloured article for salad use. Some cooks envelope it in water paste, as when baking ham ; others simply soak, brush tomatoes, butter, milk, onion,

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