1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



This is a matter for the cook to con-

and bake ati 7iatiireL

Let the beet become quite cold before using.


Boil small haricot beans (white,) say \ a pint, with the heart portion of a Spanish onion, as being milder, also salt, and if the water is hard, a tiny piece of soda; or better Mix whilst hot with half the quantity of puree potatoe, seasoned with butter, pepper and salt to taste. Not too much of either, add a raw egg, and a tablespoonful of cream. If the cream is not first class, or there is none on hand, add the yolk of another egg, and do not slop in milk. The cream is added to produce a soft, smooth, delicate taste, agreeable to the trained palate, and which gross feeders possibly would not appreciate or perceive. Add just a flavour of cayenne, no more. Mix in very finely sifted herbs; and form the puree into sausages, egg and bread crumb them. Fry in fresh oil or butter, drain. Arrange them round a pretty centrepiece, composed of a macedoine of hot vege- Tomatoes stewed after being cut into rings, are laid round the base, very carefully this must be done to keep their shape intact, and the rolls of puree laid on. Pour a thick white cream sauce, (made without meat stock) nicely flavoured with vegetables, and fecule de pomme de ierre used for giving it the sauce like consistence. Pour this round the base just at the moment of serving. Keep hot till wanted, and let the sauce be the last item. Again if the rolls are freshly fried they are lighter and better. The sauce gives the contrast of white against brown, and the bright vegetables relieve the sombre colour of the fried rolls. Fringe delicate garden cress round the edge of the e7itree dish. This and the two following are vegetarian entrees. still, as much carbonate of soda as will fill a small salt spoon. When tender make a puree of the beans. tables, rings of beet about f inch diameter, cut with a fluted cutter.

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