1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



crumbs, sweet herbs, baked flour, vegetable stock, eggs, celery, lemon, oil, salt, butter, pop corns ground. Take some good vegetable stock, and stew yellow French lentils until they are tender. Make a puree of them and beat in a little cream, to give them a smooth nice taste. Add an egg also. Spread the panada on a plate to cool. Make a rich veal stuffing of bread crumbs, sifted lemon thyme, marjoram, lemon peel grated, parsley, butter rubbed into the crumbs — moisten with an egg or cream, form into round balls, and then roll out to form a crescent, thin at either end. Cut the panada into crescents of equal size. Lay the forcemeat on one of the half moons, and cover with another, brush over with egg, dip in ground pop corn flour, and Drain and serve, after draining, surround by a thick brown gravy, made of a roux of butter and flour baked a fawn colour in the oven — vegetable stock, and seasonings, such as a flavouring of tarragon vinegar, to give it a piquante fry in oil. crescents. are arranged, should be of boiled celery covered with white sauce, or artichokes en Pyramid, covered with cream sauce. The centre on which the half moons Ingredients: Conies, or rabbits, Italian paste stars, Naples macaroni, (the brown in long sticks), milk, eggs, brown stock, salt, pepper corns, cloves &c., caramel, parsley, shallots, &c., cornflour. Stew the macaroni in rich brown stock, say about J lb. Carefully clean, and cut into nice joints, the rabbits intended for the dish. Put them into a stewpan with milk, (no salt) a shallot, pepper-corns, cloves &c. Stew very slowly till they are quite tender, then remove the pieces; strain the liquor; flavour. The white pop corn looks novel, and pretty, on the Entree Napolitain. (Neapolitan Entree.)

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