1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



return it to the pan, and thicken with cornflour ; noiv add salt, and lay back the pieces you intend for the trophy, to keep them warm. Have the yolk of an egg ready to mix with the rabbit liquor. In Italy they use saffron as well, to heighten the colour of the sauce. Dish the pieces of rabbit high up in a cone ; add the egg to the sauce, and if you like, a drop or two of saffron colour-

Pour this over the little mountain of rabbit ;

then arrange


Cover this with rich brown

the macaroni round the base.

Swell some of

stock, coloured deeper by a little caramel.

the paste stars in stock. Some are like snowflakes under the microscope, and of very pretty patterns when developed. With these decorate the yellow sauce. Scald parsley, wring dry, and mince. Strew over the macaroni and serve hot.

Perdrix a L'Estouffade.

(Stewed Partridge.)

Ingredients: Partridge, forcemeat, Westphalia bacon fat, and ham, white wine, bouquet of sweet herbs, shallot, carrots, salt, pepper, mace. Dress as for roasting, stuff with good forcemeat. Lard the breast, using a fine needle, and thin strips of Westphalia bacon, cut into delicate strips. Dust the birds over with salt and pepper. Put into a stewpan, with carrots, onions, a slice of lean Westphalia ham, a tumblerful of cooking sherry, (or chablis,) and a bouquet of sweet herbs. Pass the vegetables through a tammy sieve. When the bird has been stewed for one hour over a slow fire; mix with the gravy and pour round. Brown the piquees with a salamander and serve.

Poulette a la Vanderbilt.

(Chicken in the Vanderbilt Style.)

Chicken, plump and not too young;

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