1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



If served hot,—

mince, or forcemeat of tongue, veal, &c.

sauce piquante.

If cold, with salad of cresses ;

endive, beet-

root, hard-boiled eggs fried, truffles, and olives.

Clean and trim the bird as usual for trussing and roasting, then commence to ease the skin from the neck, so as to clear down, loosen round the legs, and then insert the forcemeat between the flesh and the skin. Do not put too much in, but the layer must be even and smooth ; over the merry-thought, and to plump the breast, lay a little extra. The inside should be well seasoned, in fact, rather highly seasoned. Truss for roasting, dredge with flour and fry in boiling fat, sufficient to well cover the bird. When it is a golden brown, drain and serve with hot sauce piquante (see page 41 3); or if cold, surrounded by a salad mixture, garnished with hard boiled eggs, cut lengthwise, and fried in boiling butter, or rather sauted in butter, and the yolk browned. Place olives and truffles round. it from the flesh, work it

Faisan en Sauce Vert, a la


(Pheasant in Green Sauce.)


Ingredihits : Pheasant, forcemeat, egg, sifted white bread crumbs. Bechamel sauce, pickled samphire, spinach juice, (or parsley juice,) mushrooms, tomatoes. Slice handsome thin fillets from the breast of a pheasant. Lay on a truffle forcemeat ; roll them up ; fasten with a tiny skewer; brush over with egg; dust with bread crumbs, and fry a golden brown. Take 1 pint of Bechamel sauce, (see page 413); colour it green with spinach juice or parsley. Pickled samphire must be finely minced, and stirred into the sauce. Pour round the rolls which should be stacked in the centre of the dish, leaning against each other, and tipped

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