1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



with fried parsley, as a sort of finish, at the top. Garnish with button mushrooms, and the rings of tomato halved.

Poulet a la Mercier.

(Chicken Entree a la Mercier.)

crutons, brown sauce,

Chicken, forcemeat,


eggs. Prepare a chicken as for roasting; dust with flour after trussing; put into the basket and fry for 20 minutes, in plenty boiling fat so that it may be covered ; cut it into neat joints ; have ready a hot forcemeat, mixed with an egg ; cover the joints with this, put it into the oven a few minutes to set. Whip the whites of eggs to a stiff froth ; colour the foam in 3 colours, leaving \ white ; cover the joints with the different colours. Pop into the oven for a second just to set, and serve at once. Ingredients : Chicken, puree of chestnuts, lemon, cornflour, cream, milk, butter, white stock, aspic jelly, parsley, pepper, salt, macedoine, pressed tongue, salad dressing, endive. Choose a small-boned, tender chicken. Clean, truss, and When cold, skin and carve into neat fillets. Roast 1 lb. of chestnuts, be careful they are not burnt; take off the outer husk and the inner skin ; pass them through a tammy sieve; flavour the puree with a little grated lemon rind, and moisten it with a small quantity of cream, only sufficient to make the puree moist. Take out the bones deftly and replace with the chestnut mixture. Glaze each piece with aspic jelly. Divide the jelly into two portion s Into one, drop a few drops of cochineal to make it roast. Poulet a la Harridence. (Chicken in the Harridence Mode.)

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