1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Cover the fillets half with yellow, half with Put into a cornet of paper, (if you have no prop-

of a pink hue.

pink jelly.

er apparatus), some sauce made of cornflour and milk, flavoured with a tablespoonful of cream and a piece of butter, beaten in ; with salt and white pepper to season. Pipe the fillets into cross bars, forming squares, in each of the quadrangles pipe a dot of white, and on each put the finest speck of green parsley, or pipe in, a green dot ; colouring the sauce with spinach juice. Trim round with endive and a handsome macedoine of vegetables, cover with a nice salad dressing. Mayonaise or tartare sauce. Ingredients: Fine leg cutlet, large mushroom, orange, bread crumbs, calf's brains, fritter batter, chip pota- toes, (circular form) egg, cayenne, and seasonings, flour. Break up a large flap mushroom ; sprinkle salt over to ex- tract the juice ; grate the rind of the orange; shake a dust of cayenne on it ; mix this with the mushroom juice ; add a shake of pepper, and rub it well into both sides of the meat. Dip the cutlet into self-raising flour; brush over with egg, and fry in plenty of fat, or wrap in buttered paper and grill, the latter is more delicate. Make neat little fritters of the brains. First blanch them and stew for 10 to 15 minutes in stock, and prepare a batter of 1 tablespoonful of flour ; the yolk of an egg ; a dessert- spoonful of olive (salad) oil, and lukewarm water. Mix to a batter that will drape from the spoon. Whip the white of the egg to a stiff* foam ; stir into the batter at the last moment; dip the pieces of brain in ; fry in boiling fat and drain. Fry circular chip potatoes a golden brown. Lay the cutlet on the centre of a silver dish, the potatoes and brain fritters or steak, Fillet de Veau a la Sir Stafford Northcote. No. i, (Fillet of Veal in the Sir Stafford Northcote mode.)

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