1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


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will make the egg and crumb dressing sodden instead of deliciously crip. Stand the puree half egg shape round, the point upwards, at intervals in the red sauce. Tip each of the mounds with fried parsley.

Faisan a la Sir Stafford Northcote.

(Pheasant a la Sir Stafford Northcote.)

Ingredients : Hen pheasants, bacon fat, marsala, white stock, spices whole, as mace, white peppers, allspice, long peppers. Chutney sauce, rich brown gravy, lemon, endive, glaze, caramel.

Lard the breasts and

Truss hen pheasants as for roasting.

Put into a deep stewpan enough clear stock to


spices, and

cover the birds, also the whole




Let the liquor come to the boil, and put in the


Sfew them i.

e. boil very slowly for seven to ten


minutes, then lift the birds out ; wipe them dry, dust with flour, dip them in melted dripping, or brush over with olive

The latter is the more delicate plan.

Roast in front of When the bird is


a clear fire, basting well during the time. a rich nut brown take it off the spit. To SERVE. Place it

on a hot silver dish.

Pour a thick

chutney sauce round the oval formed by the birds. with lemon rings, and very small sprays of endive. Reduce the strained liquor in which the birds were stewed, add 2,little glaze, and colour deep brown ; flavour if needed, and thicken with baked fawn coloured flour. Pour over the birds, and Garnish


Lievre a la Fred Archer.

(Hare in the Fred Archer Style.)

young laurel leaf,

Ingredients: Hare,



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