1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Red wine, egg, white bread crumbs,

brown bread raspings.

sifted and seasoned, pepper and salt, currant jelly. Take a leveret or hare that has hung a few days.


Dip the head and ears in

off the fur as if picking a fowl.


Cut off the paws.

boiling water,

scrape quite clean.

— Remove the eyes,

particular about cleaning out the ears

and bone the animal. Make a forcemeat of veal, boiled ham (fat and lean,) shalot, thyme, a young laurel leaf, i oz. of mushroom, canned. Mince the whole very fine, add i lb. of brown bread raspings, season with pepper, salt, cayenne, moisten with a dessert spoonful of melted currant jelly, and a glass of red wine, fvm ordinaire). Bind with an egg. Bone the hare, and replace the bones with the stuffing. Fix the shape with a cloth bound round. Set back the ears. Stew in brown stock for one hour. Take it out, let it get cold. Dip in boiling water, or pour it over the binders and take them off. Brush the hare over with egg ; strew white bread crumbs over, which have been finely sifted and seasoned. Place the hare in a large frying basket. Plunge into the frying kettle of boiling fat. Let it remain ten to fifteen minutes, till the crumbs are golden brown. Drain and serve with jelly and rich brown gravy sauce, in which a glass of red wine is mixed. The jelly should be on a separate dish, and can be taken or not, at the will of the guest*

Perdreaux a la Princess Beatrice.

(The Princess Beatrice Entree of Partridges.)

Ingredients: A leash of birds, (3) fat of Cumberland smoked bacon, verjuice, consomme, barberries, watercress. Dress and truss the three partridges as for roasting. Cut delicate strips of bacon. Using a fine larding needle, piquee the breast in patterns. If for royal guests, the

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