1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



crown, or if for other guests, the family arms or emblems, &c. Lay the birds in verjuice, (the juice from sour grapes; to be had at the Italien warehouses) for an hour. Take them out, wipe them dry, this must be done carefully so as not to disturb the piquees. Wrap them in proper grilling paper, that has been buttered. Roast for half an hour, basting thoroughly all the time. Remove the paper, and brown the birds. Use a good well cleared consomme for the sauce. Garnish with barberries and watercress. 2 Breasts of lamb, strong veal stock, force- meat, eggs, butter, white crumbs, parsley, chestnuts, demi- glaze sauce. I am indebted to my friend Herr Stavenhagen, chef de cuisine, for the following receipt: — Remove the outer skin from 2 breasts of lamb. Stew them in the liquor from boiled fowls, veal, or other white meat till tender. Have ready a forcemeat of lean mutton, veal, or any meats of the kind you may have to spare. Add herbs and seasonings of course, after it comes out of the mincer, also a raw egg. When the breasts are cooked, rapidly remove the bones. Spread the forcemeat on the inside of the breasts. Lay them together, the insides opposite each other. Put them in a meat press, or if the presses are all in Turn it upside down and lay the breasts on it. Put another of equal size on them, and place a 28 lb. weight on it, and leave it 12 hours to cool. Dress rib tips as for cutlets of lamb. Blanch and whiten them. Prepare plenty of white sifted bread crumbs. Also the eggs thus. Beat up 2 yolks, and 1 white of egg io K Poitrines D' Agneau a La Von Moltke. (The Moltke Entree of Breast of Lamb.) Ingredients: use, take a large platter, a few inches bigger than the breasts.

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