1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant

2 74 THE NEW GUIDE FOR HOTELS, ETC. each 1 oz. of butter, melted to the oil, by putting into a small basin or cup, and standing this in a vessel containing hot water. When oiled, wipe the cup dry, and mix in the butter with the eggs, drop by drop as for a mayonaise, stir- ring the whole time. Cut the meat into delicate shaped (schone) cutlets, brush over with egg, dust with bread crumbs seasoned with pepper, salt, and cayenne. Let it rest for half an hour. Repeat the operation twice more, and the third time fry in boiling fat, till the cutlets are a golden brown. Place the rib tips in each, dress with a cutlet frill. Serve with puree of chesnuts, or mashed potatoes in the centre, garnish with fried parsley and demiglaze sauce.

La Pelotte de Neige a la Gladstone.

(The Gladstone Snow Ball Entree.)

Ltgredients : Cold roast game, York ham, chestnuts, eggs, sifted biscuit crumbs, sauce au supreme, spinach, or parsley juice, lemon and cream.

Mince the game and season.

Mix with minced York Add a tablespoonful Dust the board with

ham, and 2i

pm^ee of roasted chestnuts.

of cream, and an egg to the mince.

flour, Egg them over, w^mgyolks only and toss in biscuit crumbs, fry a golden Indian maize colour. Drain on paper, and then cover each ball, with the foam of whipped whites of eggs, seasoned with To do this they should be on a plate, and removed to the oven to set for a minute or so, then with a knife remove them to the entree dish and lay them on sauce au siipreiiie, either coloured green with Spinach juice, or strewed over with minced parsley, wrung dry in a cloth after mincing. A broad bladed knife is best for this purpose. fashion into balls as large as an apple. salt.

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