1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Pigeons a la Due de Cambridge.

(The Duke of Cambridge's Pigeon Entree.)

Pigeons, brown beef stock, red wine, desic-

Ingredients :

cated cocoanut, ham or tongue, spices, lemon. Prepare the pigeons over night, dressing and quartering them; blanching the toes in hot water, and removing the skin and nails. Rub in black pepper and ground allspice, and lay them in a bath of rough red wine. Do not over-do the spices. Let the birds steep all night. Add an equal quantity of brown stock to the red wine, and stew the birds in this liquor for 1 hour. When done, bruise the livers in a mortar. Lift out the birds. Reduce the gravy by rapid boiling one half, add the livers and dessicated cocoanut to thicken it. Make a handsome trophy of the birds' wings and claws. Put in each claw a piece of parsley. Surround the trophy with the thick gravy ; garnish with semi-quarters of lemon. Roll slices of hot ham, cut very thin, and place round in the gravy.

Dindon a la Whitehead.

(The Whitehead Duck Entree.)

Duck, forcemeat, good stock, white



spinach, truffles, brown glaze, apples, quince, sugar. Dress and cut the bird into neat joints, put it in a pan to stew with good stock. Make a fine forcemeat of white meats, well-seasoned and flavoured with truffles. Moisten it with stock. When the duck is nearly ready, add 1 or 2 raw- eggs to the forcemeat ; butter a shape, a cone is best ; place the forcemeat in, put buttered paper over, and steam for 15 minutes. Have ready also a bed of well-cooked, finely- chopped spinach. Lay this in a silver entree dish, which should be very hot. Place the forcemeat in the centre. Pile

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