1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Tomato and Cerealine Pudding. No. 3.

Boil 1 pint of new milk, thicken by cerealine, it will take about 2 tablespoonfuls. After it is thickened, season with salt and a grate of nutmeg, if the latter is permissable, or pepper. Cut the tomatoes into slices, and again into dice. Mix them with the cerealine, add an egg, and steam for la- bours in a nicely buttered basin, turn out, and serve with gravy or milk, a little thickened by corn flour, and seasoned ; 1 teaspoonful to the J pint, just thickens the milk and per- mits of salting. OATMEAL DISHES. been ordered for children, the following are a few of the recipes I have followed : Scald 2 ozs. of medium ground, Aberdeen Scotch Oat- meal, by placing it in a basin and pouring over J- pint of boiling water, chicken broth, or meat stock ; beat up an egg, add 2 tablespoonfuls of milk, and a tablespoonful of minced mutton suet ; also a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, sea- soned with salt. Put into a buttered basin, steam for Ij- to 2 hours, and serve with or without gravy. This is varied by Oatmeal Pudding. No. 2. Take 2 tablespoonfuls of oatmeal, (English flour oatmeal) mix with it 1 tablespoonful of minced rasins. Beat up an egg, and to the egg add i pint of skim milk. Season the oatmeal with salt and pepper, very little of the latter, using black pepper ; or grind the long peppers yourself so as to In cases of " Rickets Oatmeal Puddings have Savoury Oatmeal Pudding.

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