1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



get it pure and mild ; strong stimulants are bad for patients. Put the egg and milk gradually to the oatmeal till it is like a batter, and add the rasins. Steam in a buttered basin, and serve with gravy. Or for a convalescent, it can be fried in thin pancakes, and served with gravy. SWEET PUDDINGS FOR INVALIDS. Light Brown Bread Pudding. of finely minced mutton Rub the two together, so. that they are well mixed, boil J pint of milk and sweeten it. Pour it over the crumbs, and let them soak whilst you beat up 2 eggs. Strain them, and then mix in with the pudding, add Steam in a buttered mould for 1 hour, and serve with a glass of wine poured over, or thickened milk ; either cherry, black currant, or raspberry syrup, is delicious with this nourishing little pudding. White crumbs can be dressed in a similar manner. suet. 1 or 2 drops of lemon, orange, vanilla, or other essence, according to the patient's fancy, or cook plain. Take 2 ozs. of stale brown bread, and make it into crumbs. Sift them and put them into a basin with IJ- oz.

Millet Pudding.

Stew 2 ozs. of millet in milk till quite tender. Beat in an egg, add sugar and flavouring, and steam in a buttered basin for 1 hour, or bake 20 to 30 minutes, according to your oven facilities. The oven must not be too hot. Serve with syrups or stewed fruit.

Millet and Fig Pudding.

Stew 2 ozs. of millet in milk as above, sweeten slightly as the figs will be sweet. Chop 1 oz. of good figs into

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