1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)


Frozen Punch. Use two mixing glasses, and fill both with bar ice; put in one glass . a s much syrup and lemon juice a s you would in making a claret punch ; add a jigger of ·whisky ; place one glass over the other as explained in Absinthe Fra ppes; strain similarly into a punch glass and decorate with fruit , etc. ; or you may use one– q uarte r or one-half of a lemon, squeezed, if you are not using lemon juice. Golden Fizz. Take the yolk of an- egg; separate from the white, which is done by breaking it upon the side and hold– ing the two shells togethe r; allow the white to escape, while retaining the yolk in one portion of the shell ; put the yolk into a mixing glass; add one-half tabl e– spoonful of sugar, the amount of lemon JUlce you would for a whisky sour, one jigger of Tom. g in ; fill two-thirds full with bar ice; shake it well, and strain in another glass; then fill it up with seltzer. Gin Cocktail. A gin cocktail is made precisely in the s ame manne r as a whisky cocktail, except that g in is substituted for whisky. Gin Punch. Gin punch is made in the same way as. a whisky or claret punch, merely using g in in place of the other liquors.

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