1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)

John. Collins. Cool a thin glass; in a mix ing glass, put in half of a nice fresh lemon , two-thirds of a tablespoonful of sug ar, squeeze it well; a few lumps of ice, on e jig– ger of Tom gin, stir the contents very well with a spoon, strain in the other glass with half a bottle of Delatour soda; see that the peel is on the lemon. This is, beyond doubt, the best way to make a Col– lins in the world. Knickerbocker. In a cobble r g lass, syrup and lemon JUtce as in a punch , one slice of o range a nd one of pineapple, one– half pony of curacoa, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill with ice a nd straws. Kirs ch. Is sometimes ser ved with a lump of sugar in the pony g lass, as it is a very dry cordial. Langtry Punch. ·T wo lumps of sugar di ssolved in a littl e wate r, one qua rter of a Jemon crushed with the sugar, some fi ne ice, one-third of jigger of Jamaica rum and two– thirds of whisky ; s tir up with a spoon , strain in a bowl or stem champagne g lass, fruits of the season a nd Aoat some clare t on the t op. Mi n t Julep. Use a cobbler g lass. · Put in a little syrup, as you would in a cobbl e r ; lemon peel ; add two or three

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